BSquared Tutoring


Does your current tutor sit by and watch your student do homework? At Bsquared, we are different. We will give your child the tools to become a better student while working with them to better understand their schoolwork. 


We offer tutoring in Social Sciences, Science, Math, and ELA for general education and special education students. We are able to help your child develop excellent writing skills, as well.

Our summer writing program will help your child to catch up on anything that proved difficult over the school year while working with content that is fascinating to them. They will return to school all caught up on how to write the types of essays with which they are supposed to be familiar from the previous year.



Student skills development

We can help your students get organized for school in a way that works for THEM and that will carry them through the rest of the years of their education. No more searching through exploding binders for one worksheet! No more missed assignments pulling grades down! No more pulling teeth to get your child to complete a project!



College Essay Writing and Editing

From start to finish, we are expert at helping your student develop a personal essay for their college application that truly represents who they are and makes them stand out from the pack. Our tried and tested techniques get a great essay from the most reluctant writer!